Saturday 2 November 2013

Donald Trump: Time to Invest in India

Invest Like a Rebel

If you want to build wealth by investing in stocks it pays to know something that others do not know. Accomplishing this is deeply related to investing in an unconventional way, or investing like a rebel.
First there is the basic principal. The majority of people are not interested in stocks yet most of those people would agree that they could use a few extra bucks. The basic principal of knowing what others do not relates to your interest in stocks and the recognition that investing in them can be financially beneficial. That realization is important because a lot of people don't make that connection and will never buy a stock. Simply knowing this and acting on it puts you ahead of the wealth building curve and solidifies your unconventional nature.
The basic principal of knowing what others do not refers to an advantage in knowledge versus the general populous. However, to be a successful investor you must evolve to know something that most other investors do not know. This proves to be more difficult. In my experience, you can gain a considerable investing advantage when you get to know something that most other investors do not know. To me, if you can't find an advantage in stocks it's best to just buy an index fund.
Gaining an edge in stocks is deeply rooted in being unconventional and investing like a rebel - and most investors do not know this. Generally, investors are comfortable staying with large well known blue chip stocks, and sticking to conventional wisdoms like 'you must diversify' and 'no more than 5% of the portfolio in one holding'. It makes sense that if you invest like everyone else, you'll probably end up underperforming the index, just like most professional mutual fund managers. So the goal is to avoid the common methods of the masses of underperforming mutual funds. As a do it yourself investor you can enjoy freedoms that fund managers do not have. There is no need to worry about a director or manager criticising your every move. It's easier to invest outside the box and adopt a rebel mentality.
In my opinion, rebel investing means exclusively sticking to small and medium sized stocks as opposed to the big dinosaurs the funds own. It means not diversifying in sectors you don't understand - personally I avoid mining and oil and gas stocks all together. It means not benchmarking or following any allocation rules - feel free to have 25% or more of your portfolio in one stock. It means sticking to underfollowed, simple, easy, growing businesses at a fair price and avoiding the widely known stocks that are constantly covered in the media. It means having the temperament and conviction to let your winners run.
Whatever rebel investing means to you, it always helps to have a solid foundation. Learning from the past great investors is the best way to develop the basics. I recommend Peter Lynch, Warren Buffet, Ben Graham and Ken Fisher. Also a must read is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. In my experience, a basic investment foundation paired with an unconventional investment method is a framework for outperforming in stocks.
John Laframboise is founder and author of, a personal finance Blog that follows his progress to become a millionaire. John has held positions within the Canadian banking industry and has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor in Canada.
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Saturday 28 September 2013

Stock Investing For Dummies ( cd 1) part 1

Investing in Silver: Why, How and Tips

Silver is definitely a hot commodity today. There is an increasing trend in its intrinsic value making it a great investment. If you are looking for another way to invest your money, consider this precious metal. By adding this into your portfolio of bonds, stock, and mutual funds, you are introducing a tangible asset making your portfolio more diverse and helps protect it against fluctuations in value of just one asset. Here are other reasons why investing in silver are a great idea:
  • Economics of precious metals - the economic forces that increase or decrease the value of silver is very different from those that affect other financial assets. Therefore, a decline in value of one of your assets will not affect the value of your silver because it works in a different economy. The independent movement of value of such precious metals over your other financial assets decreases the overall volatility of your portfolio helping promote balance.
  • Declining value of dollar - the value of US dollar has consistently declined over the past years and is foreseen by some to continue to do so in the coming years. But even if this occurs, silver is said to have "hedge over inflation" ability. To state as an example, in the years 1971-1981, the value of US dollar declined more than half but at the same time the value of silver increased by over 5 times. This means that while economies fluctuate, recess, and expand, precious metals are not affected and can therefore help lower the risks of your investment portfolio.
  • Importance in allocation of assets - no matter what type of investor you are, precious metals like this should have an important part in the allocation of your assets. Experts even suggest that 10-15% of your portfolio be dedicated to precious metals to have a secure foundation no matter how great or poor the economy is.
  • Ownership with ease - there is convenience and ease with investing in silver bullions. There is always that sense of security when you actually have that physical and tangible silver bullion within your hands. You know you are secured no matter what because you can easily buy and sell your bullions and earn a good amount of money any time.
  • Inexpensive investment - unlike many other investments, silver investing is definitely more affordable. It is more affordable than gold and it is often more affordable than buying stocks or bonds. But the great thing about this is that according to spot silver chart, silver's value is continuously increasing. Therefore, you may buy silver today at an affordable price and be able to sell it in the future for double, triple, quadruple the price.
  • High demand in industries - silver among all the other precious metals is more in demand for industrial purposes which affects its value. It is used in imaging, jewelry, electronics, water purification, conductivity, and even in making coins. Hence, silver today is not only known as a precious metal or a piece of artwork. It is already all of these making it highly valuable in the market today.
How to Invest in Silver
Now that you know various reasons why you would want to invest in silver, listed below is how you do the investment properly.
  • Education - it is very important that you educate yourself about the spot price of silver. Check out the silver spot chart regularly to check the trends and value of silver. You can easily find this online so you know that daily value of pure silver per troy ounce on a daily basis. The spot price fluctuates by the minute so checking it every now and then can be a good idea.
  • Start shopping - online retailers and local shops usually have great silver items selections. Here you can find bullions or bars which are a great investment piece as they are pure silver - no alloys were mixed yet. Look for the.999 stamp on the silver item you are thinking of purchasing to guarantee its authenticity. The.999 stamp signifies that it is made of 99.9% pure silver.
  • Look for rare items - the rarer your silver items are the more precious they become. This is why educating you about silver beforehand is considered necessary. This allows you to know what rare silver items there are, so when you start shopping you know what to look for. There are many rare silver coins out there which have the best value. For US coins, look for ones that were produced in 1964 and in earlier years. For Canada coins, look for ones that were produced in 1967 and earlier. For UK coins, look for ones that were produced in 1946 and earlier.
  • Invest in stocks - if you do not want the hassle of buying and owning silver items, investing in silver stocks is an option you can take. This is called exchange-traded funds that allow you to own stocks of silver without ever owning the physical silver items.
Tips for Investing
Here are a few helpful tips to invest in silver:
  • Always read the great silver spot chart so you are constantly updated to trends and current values of silver. Remember, the spot price of silver changes every minute so if you are serious about making an investment in silver, doing this can definitely help you.
  • It may also be helpful to look on the history of the silver market and previous prices. This will help you create generalizations about the trend and forecast where the market is headed.
  • When buying coins, make sure the price given to you is close to the spot price. It can be more than or less than but make sure they stay close to it.
  • If you want to invest in exchange-traded funds instead, use the help of an online stock brokerage to minimize costs.
Silver is truly a great investment piece and helps create balance in your investment portfolio. So consider investing in this and you will certainly see a growth in your assets in the future.
The author has put together information for the novice to the knowledgeable silver investor.
Information is constantly being updated due to silver's volatility to keep you informed. Visit and bookmark.
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Monday 12 August 2013

Eric Sprott: Silver to Outshine Gold as the Investment of this Decade!

Why You Should Buy Silver Now Before the Price Goes Crazy High

"What's that you say? You're going to buy silver?" my friend of over 20 years replied, looking at me as if I were about to club her over the head and throw her in the back of my van. Actually, the verbal exchange wasn't exactly like that, but she did give me an odd look (and just for the record, we own a minivan with lots of windows and very comfortable seating). Think about it for a second, dear reader... if I were standing in front of you right now telling you that I was going to buy silver, how would you respond? First of all, you would certainly wonder who this stranger is and why is he talking to me about silver. Granted, but let's try to focus on the silver part, friend...
Do you know what the price of silver has done over the last 15 years or so? It went from around $4 an ounce in the very late '90s to almost $50 an ounce in 2011. That's quite a hefty return, no? And I can tell you that was only the beginning. "So what has silver done for you lately?" You ask. Well, it's kind of gone down a little. How "little?" Well, it's gone from about $50 to its current price of $19 or so. Alright, close your mouth. You can stop giggling too. I know it might sound crazy when I tell you that now is the perfect time to buy silver. Why? Simple - because the price has fallen from $50 to $19! Here's a little tip for ya' - Buy low; sell high? Heard that one already? Well, price is low, so it's time to buy. Could price go lower? Sure it could, possibly a buck or two, but odds are that the bottom is in for this correction and soon prices are going to start going up again. How high will they go? Well, there is plenty of talk these days of silver going to $60, $100, even $200 per ounce; and if our government and the Federal Reserve keep printing $118,000,000 an hour (that's right, per hour - they are creating $85 billion a month!) we might even might even see silver hit four figures before its all over.
Why is silver going to go up?
I am not a fortune teller, friends, nor I am not a financial advisor (who is basically a fortune teller in a suit, no?) I am not a silver salesman either. I am merely a husband and a father looking around at this world of ours; at the shaky governments and economies; at the bail outs and imminent bail ins; at the real inflation around us (not the inflation rate that the government tells us); at the incessant printing of dollars and euros and most all currencies world-wide, and I know that we cannot continue like this. There are some rough times a' comin' and when there is instability, people seek stability and security. In financial-speak, that means precious metals - silver and gold. The time is now to purchase your security in the form of silver and ride the wave of higher and higher prices to come.
This is obviously a light-hearted look at a serious topic, and there is much, much more to the story. Though what I am saying here is not to be construed as investment advice and should not be followed as such, I strongly encourage everyone to do some research, and learn more about the silver story. 
Your author, Joe (Silverheels) Paulson, has been following and investing in the precious metals market for over 30 years (!) now.
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